Saturday, December 20, 2008

To Stay SINGLE or To Have a PARTNER Better?

well nowadays in my school almost everyone want to find a partner for themselves...
but mostly end up with breaking up(no offence)...=.=
lets discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of having a partner & stay single

The Advantages
1. can see many sexy girls/handsome boys
2. can play/chat with boys/girls more...
3. no need to worried about partner
4. makes your life easier
5. wallet save=.=
6. have more freedom
7. having much more time
8. do anything you like...
9. say anything you like
10. some companies hire singles one
11. may not get AIDS, because do not get the chance to have sex

The disadvantages
1. you may lonely
2. limited joy(for some people)

To Have A Partner:
The advantages
1. you will be much more happier when you are with her/him
2. got people all always be with you no matter what happens(for true lovers only)
3. sharing opinion
4. giving opinion
5. learn to be more caring
6. learn to forgive people
7. can experience sex( before married or after married)
- knowing the specific structures of girls/boys
- know how to use pregnancy prevention(some)
8. and know more about girls/boys life styles

Theories of Couples:
date --> sex --> marry --> sex --> baby
date --> marry --> sex --> baby
date --> sex --> baby --> marry

For unusual cases
sex --> marry --> date --> sex -->baby
sex --> baby --> marry --> date
sex --> date --> marry --> sex --> baby

The Disadvantages
1. when couples fight each other the worst thing happen
2. break up easily
3. the is no forever love
4. if having sex, may cause AIDS(if no prevention)
5. not much freedom
6. can not see sexy girls or handsome boys
7. when your gf or bf is feeling down you must think a way to cheer him/her
8. no time to let yourself happy
9. all dates (her birthday, friends birthday, couples day etc....) must all REMEMBER...
10. where you go what are you doing all must report....(some)

so i better stay single the way i bet with Daniel saying that i will be single haha...


寂寞坏小子 said...
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寂寞坏小子 said...

this oso got theory?

xlnyeong said...

The opinion varies with different people......although I think staying single at the meantime is better.......
After all,I've been single all my life.

Daniel Ting said...

where got such thing de?

i'll sure will win!!!

Lee said...

this is Lee's theory ma..haha...and daniel i sure win one haha