Thursday, March 19, 2009


1. Were you named after anyone?
Don't ask me ask my parents

2. When was the last time you cried?
A few years ago

3. Do you like your handwritting?
Yala so geng!

4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
what is lunch meat?

5. Do you have kids?
No(I don't have SEX before lol)

6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
You just need to wait me to become another person=.=

7. Do you use sarcasm?

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Tonsils? I do not have tonsils I have Halls only.

9. Would you bungee jump?
See the height 1st

10. What is your favourite cereal?
sorry I do not eat cereal, for now...

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
my shoes do not have tie...

12. What kind of animal do you want to be if you had the choice?
Human la because Human = animal=.=

13. What is your favourite ice-cream?
ice-cream, not my like

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their everything=.=

15. Red or Pink?
Both dislike=.=

16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?

17. Who do you miss the most?
Myself lol

18.Do you want everyone to complete the list?
Sure la, mana boleh sendiri suffer=.=

19. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
Always Vary

20. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Both Dislike (can get diabetes)

21. What are you listening to right now?
Absolute sound

22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
dude=.= I am a Human=.= not a crayon.

23.Favourite smells?
No smells=.=

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A malay, wrong number one=.=

25. What view do you like best?
any view that do not irritate my eyes..

26.Favourite sports to watch?

27. Hair colour?
black la....not yet become red hair=.=

28.Eye colour?
I go get the mirror 1st

29. Do you wear contacts?
Nope, If want also can you sponsor me abit.

30. Favourite Foods?
Anything nice and healthy

31. Scary movies or happy endings?
Never watched...

32.Last movie you watched?
Code Blue

33. What colour shirt are you wearing?

34. Summer or winter?
I like winter...cold weather...

35. Hugs or kisses?
Both don't want disgusting

36. Most likely to respond?
respond to what? my ....=.=

37. Least likely to respond?
repond to what?! dude your question all like this one how i answer?= =

38. Would you rather be a kid or an adult?
I want to be adult i still a kid, i want to be a kid i already old=.=

39. What book(s) are you reading now?
Now online....

40. What is on your mouse pad?
My mouse...

41. What did you watch on TV last night?
I don't watch TV

42.Favourite Sound(s)?
Sounds that is harmony to my ears

43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Not my like

44. What is the farthest you've been from home?

45. Do you have a special talent?
Yes....but dono what is it LOL

46 Where were you born?
MY mom .....

47. Whose answers are you looking forward to seeing?

48. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
Dude I am Staying SINGLE!

49. What is your sign?sign?
what sign? bird sign?=.=

50.If you could sit down to dine with 5 people who would they be?
Anyone la as long they are harmless=.=

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